Entrepreneur's Corner with Acre President & Co-Founder Kent Keirsey

Kent Keirsey
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Here at Acre, we are a company that seeks to build upon and support the American Dream. Home ownership has been a traditional manifestation of this dream. Owning your own home was a symbol that you “made it.” It also has many social benefits. Homeowners invest more into their communities, live longer, and have better financial outcomes.

However, we believe homeownership needs an update. The way we live has changed a lot over the last 100 years, while the way we buy homes has not. Additionally, owning a home has become increasingly out of reach for many Americans. For others it no longer makes sense, given how frequently they move or change careers. Nearly one-third of all homeowners in the US live in their home five years or less. Buying a home with a mortgage is simply not the best decision for many families.

We started Acre because we believe there should be a better way to live in a home that you love. With Acre you can enjoy all the benefits of home ownership and also have a much more enjoyable experience, more flexibility, and less risk.  We believe that the best way to continue the American Dream is to provide better options for families to pursue it.  

Acre Co-Founder, Kent Keirsey

Army Infantry Veteran

Join Kent as he discusses the lessons learned from his father, the military, and building multiple companies, and how he applies those lessons at Acre.

“A sense of ownership is important. With Acre, we're allowing for residents to share in the [benefits of] ownership of that home, to have a better financial outcome over the course of time that they're in that home than a mortgage, and to have a ten times better experience than a mortgage.” – Kent Keirsey, Entrepreneur's Corner

Entrepreneur’s Corner with Kent Keirsey on Apple Podcasts

Entrepreneur’s Corner with Kent Keirsey on Spotify

Entrepreneur’s Corner with Kent Keirsey | Dadages Advice

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